
Snow Country Quilt Guild

In 2008 a group of a dozen women, who enjoyed quilt making, gathered around an old boiler in the bowels of a church in Port Leyden, NY. We shared ideas, fabric, patterns, and a love of creating quilts.

2022 our group has grown to 75 members and we are still inspiring each other. We meet comfortably in the Art Center in Remsen during the warmer months on the 4th Wednesday. Some members attend quilt camp twice a year. Bus trips to major East Coast Quilt shows are planned. Caravans to Pennsylvania Dutch Country shops have us in stitches as we hunt for bargain fabric.

Together we construct 1 raffle quilt each year which is proudly displayed at the Festival of the Arts in Remsen. As a nonprofit organization our proceeds allow us to give back to our communities in many ways.

Our generous members make comfort quilts for area families going through hardships. Quilts were donated to the sheriff's department for displaced children, numerous quilts were made for those new beds constructed and donated by Sleep in Heavenly Peace. CareNet in Camden, Rome, and Boonville have received donations from our organization as well as potholders donated for cancer support groups. Didymus Library in Remsen enjoys the colorful seasonal quilts on display, creating a public awareness of our craft.

Always learning and perfecting our craft is our focus, whether it be from local talented teachers, each other, or nationally known teachers, we grow together as friends and quilters.

To find out more about us check out our website  www.snowcountryquiltguild.com.